24 June 2007

Back at it

Well things here this weekend were pretty boring so I actually have the time/will power to update this thing.

Summer classes are going well so far. I mean it's not necessarily hard but it is a lot of time consuming work. Which kinda sucks because I don't really have as much free time as I would like at night. But I'm doing pretty well in the class so hopefully I can keep that up.

Work kinda sucks the big one. I mean all I do is weedwack for 5 hours everyday. I mean yeah it doesn't sound that bad at first, but when you do it over and over and over again it really sucks. The only thing good about it is the money. I mean once I start getting the normal paychecks it'll be nice having the money to pay off my credit card which has a shitload of stuff on there because of my trip to South Carolina which ended up costing a hell of a lot more than I thought. But the trip was worth it.

Drum corps is going ok so far. We had our first competition in Wildwood at the Convention Center. We did ok for our first show, but we still placed 4th. People are saying the numbers were screwed up and we should have been in 2nd, but who cares, if anything it'll give us more incentive to work harder. This coming weekend we have a show in Conneticut somewhere. Bristol is coming to mind but I don't know if that's the right place. It's on an actual football field unlike Wildwood, so maybe we won't be sliding everywhere.

I guess the biggest news is that I might be moving off campus into this trailer type thing. It's one of those permanent trailors thats more of an apartment then anything. It's only $300 a month because my friend will be paying the other half. She's pretty nice so I don't see a problem living with her, besides none of us will really be there besides to shower and sleep lol. So we'll see how that goes.

Yulia is at AIT right now at Little Creek Amphibious Base, VA. She's suppose to be done right around the 4th of July but I don't know when I'll see her. Her friend who's been watching her stuff, is picking her up from the airport. I'll be on AT with my unit and she's suppose to join us at some point but I don't know if she actually will. So yeah, it's up in the air as to the first time I'll get to see her.

So I guess that pretty much sums up everything that I've been doing. I know not at all exciting believe me I wish it were otherwise lol.