First, drum corps season has come to a close. DCA Championships were definitely the highlight of my summer BY FAR!!! I mean I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend not only this past weekend, but my entire summer. I absolutely loved the contra section this year. The 6 of us got along so incredibly well. The other 5 guys (well one's a girl) are some of the best people I have ever met. Never once did we get into an argument, bicker, or put down one another. Everything was constructive criticism in order to make ourselves better individually as well as a contra section. I'm glad I picked this corps and can't wait for next season.
- Shawn, our section leader, is an unbelievably priceless asset to have in the section. His experience with the Blue Devils and his years here at Brigs is about as unmatched in superiority as they come. His wealth of knowledge no doubt led to the greatness our section became famous for in the circuit.
- Christine, is one tough chick and no doubtable the most attractive person in the section haha. I learned a lot from her this year especially early on with just the little hints that she gave me now and then. She always had a good attitude and could make anyone smile on a hot muggy day, especially in Reading lol. I'm a little sad that Shawn and Christine aren't coming back next year, but they need the time together and as Randall put it, "to make babies to keep this corps goin". So I wish them luck in the future as a family.
- Jason, also brought a lot of experience to the table for the section. His years in Spartans and Cadets were also key to our success. What he learned there, he shared with the new guys and thereby improved us all. I'm glad he's coming back next year, we're gonna need his experience to keep the section going.
- Andy, while new to the section he was in his second year in the Corps. This kid had so much heart it amazed me. My first camp here I saw him standing behind the contra thinking, "there's no way this kid can play this thing, it's as tall as he is and he's way to small to carry it". But sure enough this kid proved me wrong and by the time came to marching on the field he could easily carry this hunk of metal. His playing improved so much from the first camps it amazes me. I'm definitely proud of him and happy is coming back
- Randall, the late comer to the section lol. This was his rookie year in drum corps and he definitely picked the right year to start He did struggle at first because he did join about 5 months late and therefore was that much further behind everyone. Sure enough though he did catch up and proved to be able to hack it with the rest of us and made a fine addition to the section. Glad to have him back next year.
So I guess the biggest thing for me is that I might have to move back to NJ. My financial situation has hit dire straights and therefore a move back to NJ I think is inevitable. I spent a lot of money on gas this summer traveling for Brigs, mainly because I'm so far away. I easily spent at least $3500 on gas alone. So I think this is really the only option I have left for me because staying here just isn't going to work. None of the jobs I was hoping for ever panned out so now I'm stuck jobless with absolutely no money.
I'm taking classes online instead of at Norwich for a lot of reasons. But I think it's gonna work out for the best in the long run,
- Christine, is one tough chick and no doubtable the most attractive person in the section haha. I learned a lot from her this year especially early on with just the little hints that she gave me now and then. She always had a good attitude and could make anyone smile on a hot muggy day, especially in Reading lol. I'm a little sad that Shawn and Christine aren't coming back next year, but they need the time together and as Randall put it, "to make babies to keep this corps goin". So I wish them luck in the future as a family.
- Jason, also brought a lot of experience to the table for the section. His years in Spartans and Cadets were also key to our success. What he learned there, he shared with the new guys and thereby improved us all. I'm glad he's coming back next year, we're gonna need his experience to keep the section going.
- Andy, while new to the section he was in his second year in the Corps. This kid had so much heart it amazed me. My first camp here I saw him standing behind the contra thinking, "there's no way this kid can play this thing, it's as tall as he is and he's way to small to carry it". But sure enough this kid proved me wrong and by the time came to marching on the field he could easily carry this hunk of metal. His playing improved so much from the first camps it amazes me. I'm definitely proud of him and happy is coming back
- Randall, the late comer to the section lol. This was his rookie year in drum corps and he definitely picked the right year to start He did struggle at first because he did join about 5 months late and therefore was that much further behind everyone. Sure enough though he did catch up and proved to be able to hack it with the rest of us and made a fine addition to the section. Glad to have him back next year.
So I guess the biggest thing for me is that I might have to move back to NJ. My financial situation has hit dire straights and therefore a move back to NJ I think is inevitable. I spent a lot of money on gas this summer traveling for Brigs, mainly because I'm so far away. I easily spent at least $3500 on gas alone. So I think this is really the only option I have left for me because staying here just isn't going to work. None of the jobs I was hoping for ever panned out so now I'm stuck jobless with absolutely no money.
I'm taking classes online instead of at Norwich for a lot of reasons. But I think it's gonna work out for the best in the long run,