07 December 2007

No Brigs :-( / Idiot / Goal

Well there is no Brigs camp this weekend which kinda sucks. I was really looking forward to seeing everyone again but I have to wait another month. Now I need to find a place to keep my contra for the next month haha. My kitchen will do fine for now I guess.

I've put in a couple of applications to a bunch of places but I've only heard back from United Airlines. So hopefully I start hearing back from some other places otherwise I'll be commuting to Burlington for work.

I've also come to realize that I'm an idiot. I never thought I would still feel this way after so long of putting it out of my head. But I guess they will never go away.

I've taken the steps and I've started eating a lot healthier than I have been the last couple months. I hope I can stick to it otherwise I'm screwed. So now that I've started eating better I need to start exercising more. I haven't been doing it nearly enough and it's time to kick it into high gear. I need to fit into my Class A and Dress Blue uniforms come March, so I have my work cut out for me. I refuse to get them altered because 1. it costs money and 2. it's an incentive to lose weight. My goal is to reach my weight I was after I came back from AIT. So yeah, lofty goal, but I think one worth attaining. Oh please I want to look better in my Brigadier uniform being that the pants are pretty tight.

So we'll see how everything works out.

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